How Do Commercial Hot Water Pumps Differ From Regular Ones?
Commercial buildings serve a lot of people. This means that commodities like electricity, water, HVAC, and pool are used for longer hours. Plus, the maintenance of commercial facilities is also a challenge. If one issue arises, there will be multiple complaints at once. This is why you can not take any chances with any service you provide in your commercial building. You must place commercial HVAC and commercial-size pool heating systems.
While there might not be that many regular swimmers in your building. But everyone likes to jump into the swimming pool once in a while. So it is necessary to maintain pool water temperature, especially in cold weather. You must ensure you equip your pool with a commercial pool heater to sustain the water temperature.
Let’s understand how commercial pool heaters differ from regular pool heaters.Commercial Pool Heaters VS Regular Pool Heaters
Continuous Use
Unlike regular or home swimming pools, commercial pools are used 24/7 unless there is a schedule for pool use. Even if the pool is not in use, it is necessary to maintain an ideal temperature. If you want to keep your pool operational 24/7, then it is necessary to use commercial pool heating. With its availability year-round, you will have more visitors helping you generate more revenue.
Power Consumption
Pool heating extract thermal energy from the environment, making them cost-efficient. Heat pumps are reversible; they can heat and cool water, which is ideal for sustaining adequate water temperature. Still, there is a significant difference between regular and commercial pool heater power consumption. Commercial pool heaters consume more power than regular pool heaters because of their size. But you will save more money in the long run with better customer service.
A regular pool heater needs maintenance every once in a while as it is not used at high intensity. On the contrary, a commercial pool heater is used non-stop until the maintenance crew arrives. Depending on the size of the pool, maintenance crew might arrive once or twice a month to ensure the heater is in optimal condition.
Commercial pool heaters are not cheap. A pool heater usually lasts more than ten years. With proper maintenance, you can increase its lifespan.
Appropriate Size
Not all commercial pools are of the same size. It can confuse you on how to select the appropriate pool heater. An oversized pool heater will consume more power, and a smaller size will not sustain the water temperature. In this scenario, you can use Madimack’s in-house pool heater calculator. With the help of a pool calculator, you can determine what size pool heater will do the job. Plus, it can help you figure out the estimated annual cost, run time, and savings.
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